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Most commonly used library with React

Posted in Education, and WhoCodeFirst

🔥Scss(Prefer), TailwindCss
🔥Animation – Framer motion/ gsap(Prefer),
🔥React-spring, Anime.js (not to be used for simple animations)
🔥Redux (Not to be used with Next JS)
🔥Formik for Forms, React Hook Form(Prefer)
🔥MaterialUI(Prefer), AntD (use only one library )
🔥Onclick scroll particular section – react-scroll
🔥For conditional classes – clsx(prefer), classnames
🔥React-select for select component if not using mui or antd
🔥For google spreadsheet integration – google-spreadsheet
🔥For file upload and drag and drop – react-dropzone
🔥Form validation – yup
🔥For date formatting – date-fns(prefer), moment
🔥For Carousel – React-slick, react-responsive-carousel
🔥For toast – React-hot-toast(Prefer), React-toastify if not using mui or antd
🔥Share things Socially – React-share
🔥For icons – react-icons, @mui/icons-material
🔥For Videos – react-player
🔥For intersection – react-intersection-observer
🔥For pagination – react-paginate (if not using mui or antd)
🔥For GraphQL – apollo
Webpack Bundle Analyzer – @next/bundle-analyzer
🔥Redux Toolkit(Prefer), Redux Saga,

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