Sunplace — Solar Cooking Table.

SUNplace is both object and physical place, where one or a few, can experiment and enjoy together the experience of the solar cooking. A table on which you can cook without emissions; by using the sun’s rays which are concentrated through a fresnel lens onto a cast-iron grill. The station requires the full involvement of all its users, well-equipped and protected by gloves and special glasses; this team-work will also promote interpersonal relationships with conviviality.

  • Sunplace Solar cooking table
  • Sunplace Solar cooking table
  • Sunplace Solar cooking table
  • Sunplace Solar cooking table

Historically the hearth was the center of the tribe and family; Sunplace wants to recover the ritual of the banquet as a shared moment.SUNplace may well become a new core for living outside, an evolution of the ancient “fireplace” that warms entertains and feeds.

Link: Sunplace Solar Cooking Table

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