Meet Circle — easy to manage your kids on Internet

Circle with Disney is a device that re-imagines how families use the Internet.
Managed through a companion iOS app, Circle with Disney is a tool that helps parents stay informed about their kids’ online activities and limit screen time on every device in the home, including smart phones, tablets, computers, and gaming consoles.
Circle with Disney pairs with home Wi-Fi and gives parents the ability to filter content, set a bedtime for devices, and even completely pause the Internet. Each user’s profile and settings can be completely customized based on age and parents’ preferences.
Additionally, through a licensing partnership with Disney, Circle also provides families with Disney entertainment that parents trust and children love. Circle with Disney will deliver a curated selection of Disney content including videos, blogs,gifs, emojis, music, games, characters and lots more through a unique experience called MyCircle.

Circle with Disney is available now for $99 from meetcircle.com, and will be available soon from DisneyStore.com/circle. The Circle app can be downloaded for FREE from the Apple App Store.
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