LANDR: Online Audio Mastering Makes Your Sound Louder

Landr analyzes the music you upload and creates a ‘mastered’ version. Basically, in the web interface you can upload your…

Venkatesan PRS

Believe me! This Book is a Camera

Yes, This book is a camera. This is a working camera within a pop-up book. It concisely explains—and actively demonstrates—how…

Venkatesan PRS

RocketBook: Cloud-Integrated Microwavable Notebook

Rocketbook is able to digitize all your notes and store them in the cloud, and then clear all the pages…

Venkatesan PRS

Pixelio – 3d scanner & photo-lab for smartphones

Pixelio Pixelio will introduce you to a new dimension in 3D photography. With Pixelio scanner you can enjoy high-tech features…

Venkatesan PRS

Vessyl, The IOT Smart Cup that recognize everything you drink and tracks your hydration

Vessyl is a smart cup that helps you monitor everything you drink. Designed and manufactured by startup consumer brand Mark…

Venkatesan PRS