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Bioo : Uses Plants To Charge Your Smartphone

Posted in Mobile/Tablet, and Technology

Bioo , designed by Pablo Vidarte (Engineering student at La Salle URL, Barcelona), Javier Rodríguez (Nanotechnology student at the UAB, Barcelona), and Rafael Rebollo (Engineering student at La Salle URL, Barcelona) bioo is a system which generates electricity from plants’ photosynthesis.

“The system they’ve created generates a constant power of 3 to 40 watts per square meter from a biological panel and an organic battery which uses the material substances generated in the process of photosynthesis. This organic matter is expelled in a natural way without harming the plant.


The company’s product, a pot called the Bioo Lite, uses the energy generated by photosynthesis to charge smartphones. It’s an idea scientists have been researching for several years. If you remember back to science class, photosynthesis is the process by which sunlight is used to turn CO2, and water into oxygen and organic compounds. Bacteria in the pot breaks up the compounds, releasing electrons that travel along nanowires. The resulting electricity powers a typical USB port, where you can plug in your phone or tablet cable.


Arkyne Technologies claims the pot allows up to three charges per day. The plant generates power both day and night, so users can charge their phones anytime. How long will it take for your smartphone to be fully charged? It depends on the phone’s battery capacity, but it should be similar to using your computer to juice up your device, according to the company. However, the output of 3.5 volts and 500 milliamps is actually a little less than many USB ports. Not all plants produce the same amount of electricity, so cacti aren’t recommended. Bioo Lite will only work while the plant is alive, so taking care of the plant is crucial. If you kill your little green friend, you’ll have to replace it with a new one.

Explained by these young entrepreneurs, a 10×10 meter garden of these panels and a low vegetation on top of them (as normal grass for example) will be enough to cover the constant needs of electricity in an average family home in the USA. However, using high vegetation, like trees or bushes, a 5×3 meter garden will be sufficient. Furthermore, they have already patented this technology and there are only two extra initiatives in the world with similar technologies.

The team has also recently received the award  Imagine Express by developing an application linked to Bioo. This app works of “intermediate bridge” between users and vegetables Bioo panels to produce electricity. On the one hand, it helps monitor the effectiveness of the system in terms of electricity production is concerned. Furthermore, students are committed to the concept of “Intelligent city” that allows people using Bioo buy or sell electricity. His goal, in addition to developing these systems in households, agriculture or green roofs of public buildings, will run from now with investors to enable them to continue growing.

The company already surpassed its goal of raising nearly $17,000 and is estimated to begin shipping as early as December 2016.

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