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Booyah: Video chat for WhatsApp friends and groups

Posted in IOS, and Technology

A third-party group by the name of Rounds Entertainment have launched video chat for WhatsApp called BOOYAH.

Ilan Leibovich, Co-Founder and Chief Innovation Officer of Rounds and Booyah said, “In contrast to currently available chat applications, we remove every point of friction for our users, including logins, account creation and verification, even group admins. We put the power back in the hands of the users, show them we respect their time, and give them the opportunity to expand their social network.”

Booyah gives users the luxury of joining a group video chat with up to 12 people. It’s not only great for family and friends, but business professionals can also benefit from this app. Once in the chat, the user can then invite friends to join as well. Like Snapchat, Booyah chats are ephemeral and are never recorded or saved in your chat history. You won’t need to register for a new account to make it work, because it works with your WhatsApp account.

booyah video chat for whatsapp

“WhatsApp is the pioneer in group messaging, and therefore was the natural choice as the primary companion to Booyah,” said CEO of Rounds Dany Fishel.

Booyah eliminates the need for the old fashioned calling mechanism of synchronized invitation and allows for asynchronized communication where users can join the chat at their convenience. There’s no more waiting while the phone rings – users can send out an invitation and carry on doing other things until their friends are able to click the invitation link and join the video chat. This is a nice change from apps like Skype, where the connection is dependent on the immediate availability of all parties. Booyah enables users to join the video chat at any time.

“We took it one step further, and brought Snapchat’s ephemerality to group video chat, making these live conversations easy and casual. Ultimately, it’s our job to do all the labor intensive steps, and all you need to do to join a group chat is show up – and Booyah!”

You can try Booyah for iOS on the Apple App Store for your iPhone or iPad right this minute, and the Android version is coming soon.


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