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Laundroid — laundry-folding washing machine

Posted in Technology

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Laundroid, described to be a “fully automatic laundry folding machine”. Of course, the entire Laundroid is huge – we are talking about it being the rough size of your wardrobe or fridge, but I suppose that is because there is plenty of little bits and pieces within which has been embedded in order to have it get the job done in the most efficient manner as possible.

laundroid folding

The Laundroid will not require you to separate your clothing by type beforehand though, such as to fold only shirts or only towels, as it can recognize the likes of shirts, towels, pants, and four kinds of skirts before getting down to work. It took close to five minutes to fold a single, crumpled t-shirt during the demo, so using this while you sleep might be a better idea.

I am not sure whether you need to iron those clothes beforehand, since one’s clothes do tend to get rather crumpled up after each wash, but at least this is a start. There are plans to ship an all-in-one product that will include a washer and a dryer with the folding function built in by the time 2019 arrives, and in 2020 we should see a model for a smart house then. Of course, all of these are rather speculative as at press time, but it is mighty impressive to say the least. Now, if only it can iron the clothes before folding them

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